OurĀ Mission:
To positively impact the root causes of urban health inequities through asset-based community driven research and practice.
Our Values:
Action-Oriented Scholarship, Meaningful Relationships, Honest Communication and Transparency, Community-Based Strengths, and Diversity.

Health equity is the state in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible and where differences in health are not the by-product of a distribution based on power. Health equity gives clear recognition to the fact that equal allocation may not be equitable allocation given structural determinants and historic experiences. At its root health inequity is grounded in economic injustice.
To achieve equity: Transformation of systems is necessary. Action is required. Leadership is called for. With this Center, Morgan State University establishes itself as a leading voice in this space working toward the vision of thriving health communities for all.
Exploring the Data
Maps and Statistics
These maps display the significant impact of racial disparity and inequity leading to poor physical and mental health outcomes and other key indicators in Baltimore. CUHE will use these and other important data sets to examine racial and ethnic disparities across the multiple systems of education, health, economics, housing, and law enforcement (the legal system) in order to work alongside community residents to promote positive change.